Personal Branding Program

“The importance of a personal branding program lies in its ability to empower individuals to define, refine, and strategically communicate their unique value proposition to the world. Through a structured and tailored approach, participants embark on a transformative journey of self-discovery, skill development, and strategic planning, ultimately leading to enhanced visibility, credibility, and opportunities in their professional and personal endeavors.”

Our personal branding program offers a comprehensive toolkit designed to unlock your full potential and elevate your presence in today's competitive landscape.

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  • 5/3/24

    Welcome to the Personal Branding Program!

    It is finally here and I am thrilled to introduce you something very special: Our Personal Branding Program!

    Now, you might be wondering, why a personal branding program? Fair Question! Well, let me ask you this: When you think of your favorite brands, what comes to mind? Is it their logo, their products, or perhaps something deeper? It's likely the latter. That's because successful brands understand the power of perception, authenticity, and storytelling. And you know what? You're a brand too.

    Today, I want to share with you a journey—a journey of self-discovery and empowerment. Our personal branding program is designed to help you uncover what makes you unique, what sets you apart in a crowded world, and how you can leverage that uniqueness to achieve your goals.

    And this time I have a big surprise to you because within this Program I am collaborating with two Experts that will be sharing their wisdom.

    Allow me to introduce our esteemed experts, each bringing a wealth of experience and knowledge to this program. We have Mariia Tokinova, a renowned B2B Marketing Consultant & LinkedIn Expert with a track record of transforming Companies and experts shine on LinkedIn and accelerate their Marketing. Mariia will walk us through a Masterclass in Online Presence, how to broadcast yourself on social media and share practical tips to enhance your personal brand.

    And NOW a big Name I am beyond happy she agreed to do this, allow me to Introduce the Vice President of Skoda Martina Casanova WHO SHE IS MORE! Yes, you heard me correctly. You will witness an exclusive Interview with a Leader from the Industry about her Personal Branding journey and what it really takes to create visibility and be unapaletically yourself!

    By joining our program, you'll gain invaluable insights into your strengths, your values, and your passions. You'll learn from profound Experts and how to craft a compelling narrative that resonates with your audience, whether it's potential employers, clients, or followers. You'll discover practical strategies to build your online presence, enhance your reputation, and ultimately, stand out in a competitive landscape.

    So, if you're ready to take control of your personal brand, to unlock your full potential, then I invite you to join us on this journey. Sign up for our program, and let's embark on this transformation together.

  • 5/3/24

    Personal Branding Program Guide

    This is a recommendation how to navigate yourself through this Program here on Healed Coaching.

    First I would recommend you to watch my Workshop on Personal Branding, to get first insights about what a Personal Brand really is and to understand the correlation between professional & personal Life. Why core values really matter, importance of a Personal Brand in a rapidly changing world.

    Second - do the Core Values Exercise. Core values reflect who you are at your essence. When your personal brand is built around your core values, it becomes authentic and genuine. Authenticity is key to building trust and credibility with your audience. you can expect to engage in a structured process that helps you identify and define the principles and beliefs that are most important to you.

    Third - Masterclass: Online Presence with our Marketing Expert Mariia. In today's digital age, having a strong online presence is essential for visibility. An online presence allows you to be visible to a global audience. Whether you're a professional seeking career opportunities or an entrepreneur promoting your business, being easily found online increases your reach and exposure. Mariia will give us practical tips to establish our online presence and share a elevator pitch and how to enhance our LinkedIn Profiles.

    Fourth - Exclusive Interview with the Vice President of Skoda - she gives us valuable insights about her Personal Branding journey and walks us through breathtaking insights and what it means to be authentically yourself.

    Fifth - Finally create your Personal Brand Statement with the Template I shared with you. A personal brand statement is a concise and compelling summary that communicates who you are, what you do, and what sets you apart from others in your field. It encapsulates your unique value proposition, core values, expertise, and goals in a clear and memorable way. A personal brand statement provides clarity about your identity, expertise, and goals. It helps you articulate what makes you unique and distinguishes you from others in your field, guiding your personal and professional endeavors. Get it here: Personal Brand Statement Template

    This is just a recommendation however you are free to jump around these recordings and customize it and you do it in your own time from anywhere, anytime.

    At the end you will also have the chance to schedule 1:1 Coaching sessions with me for 90 minutes if you want to dive deeper into your Personal Brand journey or reflect on the Program. This Coaching session is included in the Program and is on voluntarily bases.

    If you however want to dive deeper and go through my renowned Coaching processes, you can also book your package Book your Coaching sessions here

    Lastly you can also book a session with our Expert Mariia and dive deeper into Online Presence and Marketing Book a session with Mariia

    Enjoy this journey!

  • 5/3/24

    Personal Branding Workshop

    This is a Personal Branding Workshop live recording.

    I cover the Definition what a Personal Branding is and also what it means in a Corporate set up. Why aligning our Core Values to our Companies matter and why we need to be consistently investing in our personal growth in order to be successful in our professional lives.


    • What is personal branding?

    • Story – Why Personal Branding is relevant in a Corporation

    • Definition of Core Values

    • Exercise: Core Values

    • Finding alignment between your personal brand and your company's values

    • Quick tips for showcasing alignment at work

    • The significance of an online presence in personal branding

    • Quick tips for optimizing your LinkedIn profile

    • Practical Tips to Boost your Career

    Enjoy this recording and watch it from anywhere, anytime!

  • 5/3/24

    Core Value Exercise

    This Exercise will walk you through step by step to unfold your unique core values. Grab a pen and paper and be present while you do this exercise. It will at the end allow you to prioritize your number one core value and it will serve you as an affirmation.

    You will move differently in Life after watching this Video, this is my hope and intention for this exercise for you!

  • 5/3/24

    Exclusive Masterclass: Mastering Online Presence

    Meet Mariia Tokinova, B2B Marketing Consultant & LinkedIn expert

    "In a world where first impressions often happen online, your personal brand is your digital calling card. Whether you're a freelancer, job seeker, or aspiring influencer, crafting a strong online presence is paramount. Join us for an immersive workshop where you'll discover the secrets to building an irresistible personal brand that opens doors, attracts opportunities, and leaves a lasting impact in the digital landscape."

    What to expect?

    1.⁠ ⁠Understanding personal branding from a marketing perspective

    2.⁠ ⁠Being the curator of your presence

    3.⁠ ⁠Creating your personal brand elevator pitch

    4.⁠ ⁠Online marketing and personal branding

    5.⁠ ⁠creating a powerful LinkedIn page for a personal brand

    After this module, you will know how to:

    🚀 make your personal brand work for you and influence people

    👩‍💻 see your personal brand from a marketing POV

    😻 use LinkedIn tips and tricks to bring you new opportunities

  • 5/3/24

    Exclusive Interview w/Corporate Strategy Leader Martina Casanova

    This exclusive Interview with Martina showcased her journey of creating her own Personal Branding in a Corporate Environment. She reveals openly what it really takes to be authentically yourself and become a Women Leader in a Competitive Landscape.